Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the final countdown: 3 days until i leave

hello? is there anybody there? i guess if youre reading this youre either my mother, overeager to devour each word as i write it, or someone else less likely to check my posts as frequently as her or read them as completely. vvvelcome to all. feel free to leave when youre bored and please dont judge me. i have no time to be judged. let me say now, while conciseness has always intrigued me, we've never gone well together, unless the topic is golf or bon jovi--neither of which i plan to mention again. in other words: im a wordy motherfucker. a talker. diarrhea (whoa, hard word to spell) of the mouth, one might say. but since i have to depend on my fingers to type in this case, i guess there is a possibility of briefness. or maybe ill be too high on life once im in brazil/argentina to ever get back to this web-log or blog as we call it.

ANYWAYYYYYS im going to be flying to Salvador, Bahia (pronounced bah-EE-ah not ba-HE-ah), Brazil in um three days, thursday. the 24th of january, 2008. i will be in brazil 3 weeks with a brief cameo in Rio at the end of carnaval and then head over to argentina for some expected good times. i will be in cordoba from the 15th to the 4th and then after 6 weeks of hopefully exhausting partying, in which i will hopefully still be alive (someone knock on wood), i plan to fly in to the lovely aired city of Buenos Aires (did anyone get the redundancy (whoa, i was trying to spell the word redundance for ever until i realized its not a word...whoa there)of that??? are you paying attention?) to "study" for 6 months (ie find myself a sexy argentine boyfriend and future fiance??). then i will fly back on the 31st of july and travel cross country with the migs (for those of you who dont know who the migs are...i dont even know were to begin with that one). steph t, youre planning it right? cant wait!! so thats the really brief overview/plan. can you keep up??? prove it to me in posts

so i wanna add pictures, just for kicks, so here are some exciting snap shots of me and my mother skiing and attempting to ski in Big Bear this last weekend. I will be proud to say soon enough that in one week i went form Californian (fake) snow to Brazilian beaches, and these pictures will help prove it :)

unfortunately this worthless piece of shit blog already has something against me as it will not let me post another picture so for now, all you will get is the goddess of the moon, aka my mom anne


A Linstatter said...

Here at Mission Control tension is building for the launch of Marie to Brazil for Carnival and then Argentina in, yes, JUST THREE DAYS. Checklists, packing, trips to banks and pharmacies, financial conversations with Dad. So an escape to ski sounded good. We drove 2 1/4 hrs. from Santa Monica at sea level to Big Bear at about 8,500 ft. No broken bones or dislocated knees, even though I'd only skied once in my life, 40 years ago for one day. An old dog learning new tricks. I mean, moon goddess. Kind of like the sound of that.
Anne aka "Mom"

Dad said...


Jasmine Vazquez said...

Hey i read your blog :) I am so excited for you and wish you the best! Be safe, be jolly, be sarcastic, be outgoing, be a sexy hip hop dancer...pretty much be you!!!